This is an astounding milestone for the game of course, which quickly rose in popularity in the west during both the COVID lockdowns and Activision Blizzard’s epic fumbling of the once lustrous World of Warcraft ball. It became so popular in fact that they had to stop new players from creating accounts! That’s not all from the livestream either. Alongside the chunky 27 million flex, the team also seemed confident that they could reach 30 million by next year, coincidentally the 10-year anniversary of the MMORPG’s release. With the ever-growing popularity of the title, it’s hard to imagine it not making it to be honest, even with World of Warcraft: Dragonflight launching in late November and tempting back Blizzard refugees who may have jumped ship recently. The future for FF14 players has more in store than just more players to ERP with however. Alongside the news regarding the player count came an announcement of FF14 fan festivals coming to the real world in 2023 and beyond. This includes a high-rolling trip to Las Vegas Nevada, as well as our beloved dreary drenched London which both will act as the first two host cities. If the American casino capital or European misery capital don’t sound too appealing to you, there will also be a final fan festival taking place in Japan during early 2024. Wow, what a difficult choice… London or Japan. Either way, let us know if you’re one of the relatively new players who make up this massive 27 million player count, or if this is the excuse you needed to start saving those pennies for a trip overseas. For more FF14 articles, check out our pieces on Square Enix advising players to change their passwords following a hacking attempt, as well as Phil Spencer promising the game is still coming to Xbox.