A fair few story quests and side quests are gated behind picking locks of varying difficulty, but more important are the locked crates that house high-level weapons. You don’t always have the luxury of space and time to pick these locks, but once you get used to it, the process goes much faster.
How to lockpick in Dying Light 2
Picking locks requires, well… lockpicks. Approach the lock in question, and press the button when prompted. Your goal is getting the pick – the top piece – in the right position when you turn the lock. It rotates from 9 o’clock to 3 o’clock, but the correct position is a small window in that area. Veterans of Bethesda RPGs like Skyrim and the Fallout series will recognise this mechanic, because it’s very similar. If you’ve played any of those games before, you can apply the same principles here. Locks come in three difficulties: easy, medium, and hard. The differences in difficulty are in the window of opportunity. The correct placement for a hard lock, for example, has a much smaller range, to the point where it’s still possible to break the lock at the last minute if it’s not in the exact position. If you’re playing using a controller, the controller will vibrate with different degrees of intensity. Stronger vibrations mean you’re further away and more likely to break the pick. No vibration means you’re in the right spot. Mouse and keyboard users will need to pay attention to visual cues, such as the pick shaking when it’s in the wrong place. Picking locks on crates and bins is always recommended. Most Dark Hollows have at least one, and they’re guaranteed to have a high-grade weapon, sometimes even an Epic one, along with other valuables and consumables to sell.
How to get lockpicks in Dying Light 2
Mistakes happen to the best, and you’ll likely need a few more lockpicks during your time in Villedor. You can craft them as soon as you pick your first lock. It takes 5 scraps, and you get two lockpicks in return. Scraps are fairly common in most parts of the city and play a role in multiple crafting projects, including weapon mods. Lockpicks are essential at some points of the story, though, so try to make sure you have at least enough for crafting one set of picks at any time. Visit a Craftsmaster and you can also upgrade the durability of your lockpicks, as well as the amount you get each time you craft some. To do that, you’ll need Infected Trophies. It’s a big, deadly world out there, but we’ve got even more Dying Light 2 guides to help you stay alive, including the best skills and best weapons.
![How does Lockpicking work in Dying Light 2 - 74](https://asset.vg247.com/dying-light-2-lockpick.jpg/BROK/resize/690%3E/format/jpg/quality/70/dying-light-2-lockpick.jpg)