We don’t knew the name of this hero, nor the college, but we’ve got a brilliant video of the public space erupting in perfectly recounted lines from the fantasy RPG, including the fear mongering about elves and the threat they pose to your children. Beware! What’s most impressive, aside from the respectable beard, is the fact that our Skyrim fanatic is managing to out-yell the amplified voice of the fire and brimstone preacher totally without the aid of technology of any kind. It’s good old fashioned street yelling. This also isn’t the first time he’s done this either. According to the original tweeter of the video above, the same guy pulled up in the costume and did the exact same thing back in October. It looks as though this is an ongoing feud, between actually real life bigotry and fictional bigotry aimed at elves and their devious effects on the land of Skyrim. Either way, we sincerely hope that as long as fire and brimstone Christian folk keep turning up at the campus, our very own Skyrim cosplayer turns up and continues battling them down in the marketplace of ideas. We wish him the best of luck with his studies. For more Bethesda related news, check out our reports on Fallout 4 getting a new-gen upgrade in 2023, and the Obsidian CEO saying it’s “not even a question” if the studio would do another Fallout.