Earlier today, the PC version of PUBG received patch 6.2, following a week of testing. Today’s patch adds Arcade, a new gameplay section that offers game modes separate from the core battle royale experience. The first of these is Team Deathmatch, available in 8v8 configurations on seven different arenas cut out from existing maps. TDM is available in first-person only, and comes with a standard ruleset from re-spawning to regenerating health. That said, PUBG’s version introduces its own mechanic: the Boost Gauge. This bar fills up by scoring kills and assists, and depletes by taking damage. Filling up the Boost Gauge is necessary to start regenerating health, to encourage players to stay in the action. Friendly fire and the down-but-not-out state have been removed to improve the flow, which is not surprising. Going forward, Arcade will regularly rotate new game modes in and out, though none of these have been revealed outside of TDM. Unlike in other games, you can only pick from pre-made loadouts in this version. As for the maps, they’re based on existing PUBG maps Erangel, Sanhok, Vikendi and Miramar. Team Deathmatch is not entirely new to PUBG. The low-spec version, PUBG Lite, has had it since shortly after launch last year, but the mode can now be enjoyed in the premier PUBG game. Today’s patch should be available on consoles next week or shortly after. Hit up the blog post for everything else 6.2 changed.