The Sunset Overdrive trademark was filed by Sony on April 26, according to US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) documents. Insomniac Games owns the IP, and the game was an Xbox One exclusive when it was released in October 2014, before the game was eventually released on PC in 2018. It’s still available through Xbox Game Pass for PC, going by the listing on Microsoft’s XBGP website, which makes sense because Microsoft is the publisher. Sony acquired Insomniac in August of 2019. While this doesn’t necessarily mean the game is coming to PlayStation consoles, it is a rather interesting find by Nibel. Whether Sony is planning to release the game on its consoles or is prepping for a sequel is obviously unknown at this time. It might just be getting its ducks in a row. Although VG247 wasn’t too crazy about the game, it received rather nice reviews when it was released, and currently holds a Metacritic score of 81.