As such, we’ve written out this Luke move list for Street Fighter 6, including all of their special moves, super arts, and unique attacks so you can get to grips with this MMA fighter as fast as possible!

Luke Special Moves

Sand Blast (Quarter Circle Forward + Punch)

Luke’s in-built ranged attack.Like various other fireball special moves in Street Fighter, you can use this for both ranged pressure, as well as a handy combo-ender. As with all fireballs, make sure you don’t use it too often when in jumping range, or you might eat a nasty counter attack.

Fatal Show (Requires Sand Blast hit. Two Punch inputs)

Fatal Show is the EX follow-up attack for Sand Blast, which you can activate by inputting two punch attacks on hit. This sends out an additional blow that deals a substantial amount of damage, and can also keep opponents locked down and blocking for longer.

Flash Knuckle (Quarter Circle Back + Punch)

A powerful physical special move that has different properties depending on the punch input you used, Flash Knuckle acts as a brilliant combo extender or finisher. Better yet, you can actually hold the punch button down to change the timing of the blow, leading to a built-in bait that can easily catch out opponents if they’re not careful.

DDT (Requires Flash Knuckle hit. Two Punch inputs)

DDT is the EX follow-up attack for Flash Knuckle. When used, not only do you get that extra bit of damage at the end of your combo, you also slam the other fighter on the ground near you. This puts you up close and in the perfect position for additional pressure.

Aerial Flash Knuckle (Quarter Circle Back + Punch. Requires neutral or forward jump)

This is a fun new addition to Luke’s kit. With the Aerial Flash Knuckle, Luke can cast gravity to the wind and send an mid-air uppercut out. This is a great air-to-air attack, and is awesome if you’re trying to proactively stop offensive jump ins, or just trying to get out of the corner.

Avenger (Quarter Circle Forward + Kick)

Luke’s command dash. This is an input you can use that sends Luke charging forward, ducking low and allowing you to input additional attacks which lead to a set of special follow-ups that we’ve listed below. A great way of closing the distance.

No chaser (Requires Avenger. Punch input)

The first of Luke’s Avenger attacks. This special move has you tackle your opponent and sending them flying backwards on hit. It has a lot of forward momentum, so is great at catching retreating fighters and quickly turning a ranged battle into a toe-to-toe brawl.

Impaler (Requires Avenger. Kick input)

The second of Luke’s Avenger attacks. This attack is a trusty overhead, where Luke flips and slams his foot down on unsuspected low-blocking opponents. While this is unsafe to throw out randomly, it’s a great attack to throw out every now and again to keep other players guessing.

Rising Uppercut (Z Motion / Down, Forward, Down + Punch)

The last special move Luke has is his Rising Uppercut, which as you can imagine is his go to uppercut option. It’s quite traditional as far as uppercuts go: a great anti-air attack, combo ender, and wake-up option. Don’t use to too much though, as it’s incredibly unsafe when blocked.

Slam Dunk (Requires Rising Uppercut hit. 2 Punch inputs.)

It’s not over yet though! If you manage to land a hit with Luke’s Rising Uppercut, you can spend some bar to slam them back into the ground. This deals additional damage, and is a nice way of squeezing out some extra oomph out of a combo, or a clutch way to close out a round.

Luke Super Arts

Vulcan Blast (Quarter Circle Forward x2 + Punch)

Luke’s fireball super. This sends out a massive projectile that blasts through all others in its way and hits enemies from fullscreen. A great long range punish and combo ender.

Eraser (Quarter Circle Back x2 + Punch)

Eraser is a close ranged serious of continuous blows that carry the opponent across the screen before finishing with a single massive blow which sends them tumbling backwards. Most useful as a combo ender.

Pale Rider (Quarter Circle Forward x2 + Kick)

Luke’s final cinematic super art. This is a tackle that, if it connects, has Luke topple and pound the other player for a huge amount of damage. It’s very much a horizontal super, so is best used as a whiff punish or combo ender. As a cinematic super, this does additional damage when you are at 25% or less health.

Luke Unique Attacks

Luke has a collection of useful unique attacks at his disposal. These are:

Rawhide: Forward + Medium Punch Suppressor: Back + Heavy Punch Outlaw Kick: Back + Heavy Kick Double Impact: Forward + Heavy Punch -> Forward + Heavy Punch Triple Impact: Light Punch -> Medium Punch -> Heavy Punch Nose Breaker: Down + Medium Kick -> Down + Heavy Punch Snapshot Combo: Medium Punch -> Medium Punch -> Medium Punch -> Medium Punch

That wraps up our Luke Street Fighter 6 move list. For more Street Fighter 6 content, check out our Street Fighter 6 Beginner’s hub here!