As with many games today, the photo mode in The Last of Us Part 2 allows players to freeze-frame any scene in the game and capture a precise moment. The resulting photo usually includes anything from environment detail to the exact facial expression every character had in that moment. Out of context, these expressions turn into memes, but the trick is to spot and quickly capture the expression you want as it happens. Reddit user Crazycriv spent 15 minutes forcing Ellie to nearly drown just so they could get her to make a particularly horrifying face, while a fish is passing through, no less. The end result is, well, quite something. Ellie’s face also happens to be the perfect reaction to some of the heinous comments The Last of Us Part 2 developers and lead actors have been dealing with since the game’s release, enough that Naughty Dog issued a statement condemning their actions.

If you’re taking your time with The Last of Us Part 2, see if you missed any of the collectable Superhero Trading Cards with our guide. We also got a (very popular) page for every single safe combination and location.

The Last of Us Part 2 player nearly made Ellie drown to capture this moment - 47